Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lord Of The Ring Streaming Megavidoes


We have said we share the proposal of Maturana and Varela to attribute to a system, the quality of living. A system is alive, they said, if the elements of which are formed and relationships established that these same elements together, allow the existence of a dynamic that is capable of producing materials or elements of that system is formed, it is that a system is alive if it autopoietic organization (ability to place themselves) and builds an open flow of energy and matter with the environment in which they live.
Simple observation shows that a tree is the tree itself that brings forth new leaves, flowers and fruits after they have completed the previous cycle. Only need energy (which comes from the sun), water and minerals (from land) to grow. We ourselves are a demonstration of autopoietic character of our constituent cells. Is the internal metabolic machinery that allow them the reproduction of new cells to replace those that die or are damaged and as plant cells Require accept contributions from energy and materials from the environment.
The autopoietic system is in relation with the environment and is capable of adaptation, since the conditions changing, moment by moment, the environment, mean that the suits also living moment to moment. Otherwise, leave autopoietic organization to have and die. This adaptation takes the form of structural changes, which obviously occur moment to moment. In fact, our apparent stability is established in a continuous flow of thousands of changes and phenomena that emerge and disappear constantly.
The idea that humans are something fixed, stable and predictable ("I am so and so I shall die," said an old song) not supported by biology but rather a dramatic cut-assertion in the case of song-proper to the arts. Very close to the biology (or herself), Gonzalo Rojas when he wrote:
"What we love when we love, my God, terrible light of life or light of death? What is sought, what is, what is this: love? Who is it? ".
A would answer the burning question: A phenomenon of structural change, moment by moment, perceived as molecularly guided and sensory-motor phenomena," emotions that soon-as such, we push a certain type of action .
fully admit that the poetic structure that builds Rojas, is much more inspiring than the molecular expression expressed by me, or by Maturana and Varela, for the rascal-
me out but does not detract from the latter his greatness. Knowing that claiming to love the poet has to understand a biological basis, not go away, to love, its magic. Something
remains and something changes. Life is constantly changing from moment to moment, we live in relationship and the items listed are in constant change. The same goes for us, though we live in the illusion that we are the same forever.


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