Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Program Ideas For Church Banquet

traduttore traditore

An old Italian proverb, t raduttore traditore, literally translates as "the translator betrays," but the truth is that its meaning in the Italian cultural context is more properly " betrays translation "or" translation can be tricky "at least that's how my Italian friends I have translated.
By observing closely the work of translators, we realize that this is to listen what is said in one language and communicate with others in a different language. What is not always appreciated is that any IDOM, is the set of expressions used culture to account for the agreements they have achieved partipantes it over time, to agree on how they will be put agree to coordinate their actions. A language is then the result of lifestyle a particular culture, which creates inter coordination, linguistic expressions used in it. Thus many expressions of a language can not be translated into other IDOM, because those are meaningless in a different culture. "Send a condor, "" not important, but equal "," Let the pie "," be flat "," écolecuá "," that flaite! "and many others, are comprehensible to us Chileans but incomprehensible to participants other cultures, because these distinctions are those of our coexistence only. Only send "Condor" who saw that game, even without seeing it, just send them when you grow up listening to others who use it to describe certain actions.
I think at this point of the blog, it is not necessary to explain that everyone is a product of the relationships that carved its overall structure through its ontogeny. It is as if a person is a culture itself and therefore the translations, meanings-that makes the reality is different, as is its overall structure. Translate "reality" as we perceive it as from ourselves and not depending on how this is supposed to. The perceived reality is that our National Science Award Humberto Maturana, is not independent of that which perceives . I acknowledge that may not have been that the textual expression of Maturana, but is in any case the central approach in face of knowledge.
Living things related to living with ourselves, with everything around us and perceive, we are always assigning meaning. It is the reason for the perception-action pair, sensorimotrices built on the phenomena that we are, what's interesting is that the meanings we attach to what we perceive, are linked to the life history of each particular organism lived. Varela referred to this fact by saying that living things, we add "a surplus of meaning" to what is perceived. Transform the perceived meanings. As the translator at conferences, we assign meanings to the same facts we perceive and those meanings are not the facts themselves, but arise related to our life story.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Acne Best Foundation 2010

when suddenly

Goyeneche, in an unforgettable song recorded with Piazzolla, "Balada para crazy ", he recited:"
"The afternoons in Buenos Aires, that what I have, you know?
I left home for Arenales, as always in the street and in you.
When suddenly, from behind a tree I show up! "
The cognitive sciences, not to mention the ballad, have repeatedly drawn attention to this extraordinary moment in which a cognitive agent, the self-sale to the stage. It is a moment we've all experienced when suddenly a thought takes us out of the tranquil flow of our living and "our world" changes. Called cognitive science break these ruptures. I do not mean the world "outside" but the inmate, the mind-body space we inhabit. Not only thoughts abruptly evicted us from our quiet flow, as does a horn, the bite of an insect, or actual loss of our wallet. Suddenly everything changes and our overall structure jumps to the stage of life and we present to the world as we are, all of this until that special moment is diluted, the world emerged disappears until the next break. These exits the stage, F. Microidentidades Varela called them with the corresponding microworld. Notably these microidentidades constitute the basis of history of the cognitive agent, history of ME. In examining the structure
neural phenomena we find activation of discrete groups of neurons that arise in areas isolated from each other, until all reach a point of consistency (microidentidad) of short duration, then these groups fall into a chaotic vibrate until next time consistency. It looks like the time a symphony orchestra begins to tune their instruments, until they finally all in the tone and hear the whole orchestra. Is the time of cognitive agent is a self-knowing and then return to the chaotic background and so on. The emergence of "being cognitvo" is "leapfrog" not a continuous flow. We
Festival as a sort of pyrotechnic events arising and go, nothing like solid events and long-lasting, nothing I like a stable. Paraphrasing
Goyeneche-Piazzolla say:
"When suddenly behind a break , I appear" very soon
to disappear until the next break, added.
RECOMMEND: Video Eric Goles / F.Varela / Mind-Body (General Interest Links)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

List Of Possible Wordlock Combinations


Several readers have noticed changes in previous posts and I wonder if these changes must be made as corrections original entries. The answer is that there are bug fixes, are ontogenetic changes, is, they are inevitable changes the fact that this blog exists regarding its readers. What readers say, trigger changes in the blog author warns readers attentive as changes.
This leads me to make clear that the various entries in this blog are not intended to be expressions of petrified biological truths, are indeed well-founded opinions, valid scientific sources "about the phenomenon of live-oriented practices medical. Of course, these opinions are not the result of a strategy "copy-paste" of sources. In fact, I think, that when some of the participants in any relationship, no change in the relationship, then there are relating, are petrified. Belong to the team of "'m not there."
Conclusion: This blog, change in the relationship, because it is a product of living beings (and readers) that influence and change each other in the relationship. In short, this blog is ontogenetic.