Antonio Damasio, a neurologist renowned author of "Descartes' Error" and "Feel what happens," he said in the interview E. Punset in TVE (link in right column) the following:
"And then things get into a complicated spiral in which increased awareness and feeling more and more ... but somehow, it is necessary to initiate. If we did not feel our body, for starters, if you do not notice your changes, there could be no conscience! consciousness is intimately linked with this initial sense of self, and have a sense of self need to feel your own body and what changes in it. "
The mother in the image illustrating this post, tickling the child, this feels the change in your body also feels the change occurs within the limits of his body and that it is a joyful and pleasant sensation. When the child feels feels reveals that the structure we need to be aware it exists, and also reveals that multiple units have been activated sensorimotrices and brought it the scene of his life, a thrill. What Damasio tells us contains a radical statement, which is that without the occurrence of phenomena sensorimotrices might not be aware ; could not know that what happens, happens in self in a self ..
The origin of consciousness, is in the body.
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