Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Burpee Aristocrat Cooker Pat 1901699


Bontá Tito, lucid and permanent collaborator of this blog, in a recent comment to "Meaningful learning" said a boy, his father gave him a bike and no more was added: "There's got to entertain you ...". Although his father warned him "to entertain you" included blows, Tito, and bibicletear bicicleteó, was incorporated into its structure, "as the petroglyph remains in the rock." Put briefly, learned by doing.
Later in his commentary, Tito question "what happens to those memories that have not been recorded as "grooves carved into the rock," but are more like self-fulfilling prophecies and that somehow or another, determine behavior or doings in that direction? ". He instances, those people who feel" good for nothing " and to investigate their stories are generally "an ongoing mantra of their parents" You are a good for nothing ...". He concludes with the following question Tito investigation "Can we say then that in this situation, these parents are beginning to carve their children?" From the position
enactive learning, the answer is yes, because "parents permanently refrain" behaves like a drop styling groove rocks and leaves in memory of the recipient to repeatedly claim to be a good for nothing.
Recall that the relational context in which the father admonishes his son (a), is one with strong emotional component and the child, having a body with sensorimotrices skills, feels, perceives, the "good for nothing," as if he really was doing what needed to be "good for nothing." Perception is action, structural change to be reiterated, is recorded as "grooves carved into the rock." As if learning to ride a bike. Biking, thrilling thrilling being good for nothing. Both make concrete. It is the cognitive mechanism of the prophecies made by parents and compliance in children.


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