Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Respiration Rate Higher In A Mammal Or Reptile

ALCOHOLEXIA: Eating disorders and alcohol

Power alcohol without gaining weight. That is this a new trend that was installed in youth: the alcohorexia .
This disorder, which combines the eating disorders anorexia and alcoholism, experts worried about the large number of cases recorded worldwide.

One of the bases of the problem is the fact that since there is the myth that alcohol still fat, young people prefer not to eat for a day, to drink quietly overnight.

And while experts agree that it is not a gender issue, the majority of cases known protagonists are women.
"The alcohorexia affects mainly young people up to 25 years, usually in middle or upper class (though not exclusive to this passage society). To the extent it has been classified as a disease, we can talk numbers accurate, but for now we can say that it is an increasingly common disorder, "said the Napoli Monica medical toxicologist, a member of Argentina Toxicological Association (ATA) in a note published in the magazine New .

The fact alcohol absorption occurs immediately and 100%, which immediately brings other negative effects on the person: more serious symptoms of intoxication more risk of unwanted pregnancy , heart problems, dehydration , Among others.

In the treatment involving several professionals, including doctors toxicologists, nutritionists, eating disorder specialists and psychologists, and the time it takes to recover depends on each patient.

Connoisseurs regard the root of this problem is in communication deficiencies affects and the search done by one person to be recognized within a group of belonging, as they are well seen those members who are skinny, they diet and consume alcohol without limits.

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