Saturday, March 24, 2007

Slight Vision Loss Tingling Fingers


When "we are touched by an external object which we are sensitive-onset of the phenomenon of perception occurs in our body a change of state we has an action, a motion (notorious or subtle), which brings us disturbing or out of the object, the address of this movement will depend on the meaning we attribute to that object as dangerous or safe, desirable or undesirable, among many others. All these phenomena: change of state, meaning and resultant action will be determined by the previous history of the organism, because as we have shown, the story carves our overall structure, and gives us memory.
The change of state of the organism, we have a certain type of movement (or action), we call emotion . That move depends on the history of that particular organism. If a fakir steps on a nail, your move will be very different if he was born with shoes steps on posts. If the listener an offensive word, used to be a football referee, his move will be very different from a chronic asshole are different because the whole structure is different, and this is, because his life has been so.
who say that man is a historical being is therefore not a conceptual or philosophical matter, is primarily a structural issue, biological, dispositional circuit "at hand, ready to light when certain objects trigger ignition. Different life histories, dispositional sculpt different circuits, different emocionares. And this influence of living extends to the level of catalytic phenomena of our biochemical processes. Ilya Prigogyne won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The move, involving the whole body, feel the nail in the whole body, not just in the foot, so that this global phenomenon occurs, he or internal objects, thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, emotions, meanings, dreams, inspirations, memories, dislikes, likes, should "play" any tissue where there are sensors (actually receiving) appropriate. Every emotion is then mediated by biological elements and every emotion is biology updating the organism's life history that excites.

Friday, March 23, 2007

How To Look Like Meagan Good


The grace of being loved language is that we invent words that we believe best represent what we mean in any case. Is the case of " inperiencia ."
the basis of what appeared in many entries, particularly in "The six sense organs II" and my experience as a therapist in mind-body medicine, concluded that it is useful to distinguish between the phenomenon through which we relate to external objects, for which reserve the term experience and the phenomena through which we relate to internal objects, for which the new term reserve inperiencia . As mentioned in entry already mentioned, the classic sense organs, eye, hearing, taste, smell and touch, are responsible for mediating the perception of objects outside the body, then mediate our experience . Note that the term "object" I mean also to sounds, smells, textures, flavors and not just what we've come to call "stuff."
The mind and its phenomena, the sixth sense organ, average change the body's internal objects, thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, emotions, meanings, hopes, inspirations, likes, dislikes, all of which are orated in- structurally us. The mind, then half, signals from inside of ourselves, mean time, our inperiencia.
It is inferred that many new issues, foremost among all, according to my watch-that human beings have a very limited action potential to change the world of our experience, but we do have a very large to change the world our inperiencia. If we decide to learn how to do it, of course.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fake Braces Headgear For Sale


If I remember correctly, was A. Damasio, who said that "living things not only are, but they also seem to be dedicated to stay alive " to do, need to have elements (sensors) to inform it of changes in the external environment-in the case of single-celled living organisms, and also internal changes in the environment for living complex as is the case with humans. What we commonly call "sensory organs" are relative to those structures through which we grasp disturbances coming from the outside world (beyond our skin), as are sound waves and lighting, surface textures, flavors and smells. The interesting thing worth noting is that when these shocks are captured by our organs senses, starting the biological phenomenon of perception (see The six bodies ... I), our body changes state , our world changes. Stop having spent the previous state and a new world. This is what happens when we perceive the scent of a perfume reminiscent of an old love, or a melody, or a horn, or play with our feet a foreign object and slippery when swimming in a lake. The change of state described, which we perceive as sensory and motor phenomena-is the basis of events that arise for our body to respond to the new situation and generate appropriate adaptive action, which as we saw, depends on the structure total ontogenetic the body undergoes change of state, which is to say that the adaptive action depends on the agency's history (see The six bodies ... I). Few milliseconds after the occurrence of perception, there is the thrill of the body, comes a cascade of biochemical events, energy and molecules; disturbances coming from the inner world (inside our skin), and once more our status changes; or assign meaning to the external objects that started the phenomenon, and thus change the subject, it ceases to be what it is and becomes the significance we attribute to. Say
this another way: Any time we perceive an object coming from outside or from within our limits, we change and the change we change the subject. And all these changes are determined by our history, embodied in our overall structure.
Among the disturbances (in the form of molecules, hormones, peptides, energy) coming from the inner world of mental phenomena , thoughts, images, motivations, beliefs, attachments, aversions, among others, constitute a powerful source of disturbance that being perceived change our world, and, to keep in mind, change our biological processes.
conclude. The mind is the sixth sense organ and has a unique characteristic: it can generate its own disturbances, a matter known to everyone. Let's put a proverb: "Tell me what you think and tell you how is your biology" or "Show me your biology and you say as you thought" or proverbs ending, as M. Chacón said in his commentary, "therefore a biology could crawl from the movements of the mind as they are one, or each structure is reflected in the other, that is what I call mind-body unity. " In the same line should be as commented by Tito, which appears in the entry posted on February 7. Obviously, the comments make history.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Camcorder Used For Reality Tv


What was the "true" for fans of the white team? What fans of yellow?
used to say that sugar is sweet, the film was bad, the food made me sick, I offended anyone, that the book was good, the boss chasing me, that guy is a heavy, you have the guilt, that the subject is boring, the work stresses that the goal was stalk, all these expressions represent a way of looking at life "because of her talk-whether a book, a head, the other, the sugar, or a goal, since that reveal that for whom the issues, the reality (book, boss, work, sugar, goal etc.) itself is sweet, stalk, heavy, guilty, offensive, well, boring, stressful, for this way of understanding life, we have no part, do not count in qualifying we make of the " reality "supposedly reality and its quality (sweet, bad, heavy, guilty, offensive, good stalk) is independent of us who are those who qualify. In conclusion, for this way of understanding things, sugar is sweet itself; guy is heavy itself, the work is stressful in itself , and the goal is to stalk itself , and all of them are what they are, regardless of us observers of those who qualify.
The correct understanding of the biology of perception with a bright light shines on us, to show that this way of understanding life does not fit the facts. Biology makes it clear that we do not see things the way things are, but we see them as like us. And we are the total structure with which "we left the scene" in any immediacy. (See "total structure") is from this total structure, with which we attribute meaning to the interactions we engage in any immediacy, whether interactions with bosses, or themes, or books, or meals, our biology, our overall structure, is not independent of our life but that comes from this particular life. Living beings and hence humans are creators of meanings we usually call "reality", but the meanings of this reality, and reality itself, are not independent of our overall structure, are products of it (see "The six organs of sense I).
Much of the conflict between humans would be solved by confronting our differences if we said: "In my entire structure, the reality I see is
...". And it is good to remember that the meanings we attribute to the "reality", raise in us the surprising phenomenon of our emotions. Penas, joys, surprises, embarrassment, doubt, fear and many other emotions that arise from the meanings we attribute the things we perceive, not the things themselves. We have said in other entries but it is useful to reiterate: no one and nothing can scare us if we do not get scared, nothing and no one can offend us if we do not offend, nothing and no one can embarrass us if we do not grieve. The excitement stems from the meaning we give to things. It is from this relationship, perception versus meaning, that many biological processes ending in disease. Ignore the emotions of people as belonging to the disease is in my opinion, an omission more in medical practice current. My professional experience tells me that a substantial portion of expenses that people incur in favor of regaining lost health can be avoided if the doctors we included the variable move in our considerations. The thrill is not a matter for specialists should be part of the baggage elementary medical act.