Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Camcorder Used For Reality Tv


What was the "true" for fans of the white team? What fans of yellow?
used to say that sugar is sweet, the film was bad, the food made me sick, I offended anyone, that the book was good, the boss chasing me, that guy is a heavy, you have the guilt, that the subject is boring, the work stresses that the goal was stalk, all these expressions represent a way of looking at life "because of her talk-whether a book, a head, the other, the sugar, or a goal, since that reveal that for whom the issues, the reality (book, boss, work, sugar, goal etc.) itself is sweet, stalk, heavy, guilty, offensive, well, boring, stressful, for this way of understanding life, we have no part, do not count in qualifying we make of the " reality "supposedly reality and its quality (sweet, bad, heavy, guilty, offensive, good stalk) is independent of us who are those who qualify. In conclusion, for this way of understanding things, sugar is sweet itself; guy is heavy itself, the work is stressful in itself , and the goal is to stalk itself , and all of them are what they are, regardless of us observers of those who qualify.
The correct understanding of the biology of perception with a bright light shines on us, to show that this way of understanding life does not fit the facts. Biology makes it clear that we do not see things the way things are, but we see them as like us. And we are the total structure with which "we left the scene" in any immediacy. (See "total structure") is from this total structure, with which we attribute meaning to the interactions we engage in any immediacy, whether interactions with bosses, or themes, or books, or meals, our biology, our overall structure, is not independent of our life but that comes from this particular life. Living beings and hence humans are creators of meanings we usually call "reality", but the meanings of this reality, and reality itself, are not independent of our overall structure, are products of it (see "The six organs of sense I).
Much of the conflict between humans would be solved by confronting our differences if we said: "In my entire structure, the reality I see is
...". And it is good to remember that the meanings we attribute to the "reality", raise in us the surprising phenomenon of our emotions. Penas, joys, surprises, embarrassment, doubt, fear and many other emotions that arise from the meanings we attribute the things we perceive, not the things themselves. We have said in other entries but it is useful to reiterate: no one and nothing can scare us if we do not get scared, nothing and no one can offend us if we do not offend, nothing and no one can embarrass us if we do not grieve. The excitement stems from the meaning we give to things. It is from this relationship, perception versus meaning, that many biological processes ending in disease. Ignore the emotions of people as belonging to the disease is in my opinion, an omission more in medical practice current. My professional experience tells me that a substantial portion of expenses that people incur in favor of regaining lost health can be avoided if the doctors we included the variable move in our considerations. The thrill is not a matter for specialists should be part of the baggage elementary medical act.


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