When a light signal (photon) from the medium reaches the retina, there occurs an activation, a marked change in the activity of light receptors, located at the outer surface of the nerve cell membrane on which these receptors are alight; as a result of this activation, the trigger changes in the thickness of the membrane and due to the internal structure of the nervous system membrane which forms part generated electrical and chemical phenomena that give rise to signs that after many interactions, finally topped the perceptual phenomenon we call, see. Once we see an image fully manifests the phenomenon of emotion, l to attribution of meaning to what is perceived, and the corresponding action in this thrilling, all of which also involves a phenomenon Update reports "to hand, the living being is receiving.
clarified. a) requires signals from the environment that may be of different physical or chemical, depending on whether the smells, textures, sounds, tastes or images (in fact , photons). b) requires specialized structures, receptors, which are sensitive to environmental signals. c) the change of status of these surface receptors, triggers changes at the level of nerve cells, changes that are entirely dependent of internal structure of the nervous system according to the principle of operational closure. (see "Theoretical Tour II). d) these changes, undergo many transformations on the path to levels higher brain, so that we finally see the image is formed by 20% by signals coming from abroad and 80% by signals from inside the nervous system . The latter (80%) account for the total structure (see entry) in the body perceives and not just aspects of optical phenomena and physics of light. e) when perception occurs, the body perceives excited, gives a meaning to what is seen and displays the corresponding action, not just any action, only for the life history and overall structure (ontogeny) of that particular organism, included as we said, his memoirs. take an example. A person is walking, a lion is placed behind him and starts to follow. Suddenly the person sees a "presence" behind her, turns her head and sees the beast. Here comes into play ontogenetic overall structure of this person and percentages to those already made allusion, because if he turns his head is a seasoned lion tamer, its overall structure the emotions she arouses, that for lions, embodied in his life, the action out of this meeting can be something like:! Ah, it is no longer a lion, "and take some safeguards in case the lion was uneducated. Instead if it walks you, whose experience with lions in the foreground than Animal Planet, you will trigger a move overall structure very different and your corresponding actions and I tell you!
therefore there is no objective look, a standard move, and a stereotyped action. Perception and meaning are personal matters, ontogenetic. The perceived reality is not independent of the perceiver. We do not perceive lions as lions are, but we perceive as like us. And this applies to perceive husbands, wives, children, political, Transantiago, movies, religions, heads and all that is. Will all this
any relation to medical practice? ABSOLUTELY! Here comes
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