Monday, February 5, 2007

Breastfeeding Her Husband


loooooooong Read with care!
A poem, an egg, a chicken house, a car, the solar system, country or any other system that we distinguish is the system that is, because the constituent elements and relationships that these elements establish among themselves, allowing the establishment of the system is and not another one. The elements may change, but if the relations are maintained, will remain the same system. A chair for example, will remain so, although its elements are wood, metal, or plastic or a combination of these materials. Remain equal but the back seat is more or less inclined, the legs more or less separated, with or without armrests. But if relationships change in a radical way, as would happen if one leg is on the back and be in the place of the leg and buttocks on the side, no longer recognized as a chair and becomes a mess or a work of modern art. Becomes another system, another organization ..
Humans, on the principle of structural determinism (Tour theoretical I), are also determined in our structure, with the reservation that the concept of structure includes ALL constituent elements, ie the biological structure concerned, the memory, language, emotions, affections, aversions, fears, learning, beliefs, culture that is immersed and the paradigms on which they base their living, I call this set total structure. In all this, or if you prefer, any immediacy, humans will be determined by the total structure who have come to have so far, which of course can change by changing the relationships in which humans are involved. When someone says to another: "By God, how you've changed!" The implied answer is: "What happens is that I changed some (or many) relationship of the elements that shaped my previous overall structure, and I have changed". The structure is thus a dynamic concept, changing times to moment, depending on the circumstances of the relationship of living with oneself, with other living things, with things and the environment in which they live. This concept of structural change from moment to moment, is known téminos Ontogeny. This blog for example, has its ontogeny because it changes its structure depending on the circumstances of his future.
From the above, I emphasize that for the living - the particular human-relates and reacts to its own changes , of which are particularly relevant and emotional. Hence the saying: "He is not suffering from nerves, the nerves are sick of it" finds its support in the ontogeny total structure. In fact, in my experience, a good portion of the disease, we bring ourselves substantially, especially with our emotional reaction structure. This last observation is based the idea that we are developing using the relationship, move / sick / healing, and medical intervention in preventive medicine.
In our view, in the practice of modern medicine, the great omission is committed to see the patient with a limited biological approach (functioning of organs and systems), leaving out any consideration of diagnostic and therapeutic, the other elements (emotions beliefs, etc..) inseparable the man who consults and, most important is that the latter elements are also biologically based , but doctors do not consider when seeking the causes of the disease for this to happen requires a comprehensive approach, which still has not developed and therefore, the issue is not part of current discussions of the medical context. This blog is part of a line of thought emerging in the scientific literature of mind-body medicine.
But how did the modern medicna this remarkable omission? Simple, as a result of ontogenetic evolution in that founded the paradigms that did not include humans in its overall structure. Hence the need to change the look of the medical act.


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