Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Can Rapadura Sugar Replace Brown Sugar


When a light signal (photon) from the medium reaches the retina, there occurs an activation, a marked change in the activity of light receptors, located at the outer surface of the nerve cell membrane on which these receptors are alight; as a result of this activation, the trigger changes in the thickness of the membrane and due to the internal structure of the nervous system membrane which forms part generated electrical and chemical phenomena that give rise to signs that after many interactions, finally topped the perceptual phenomenon we call, see. Once we see an image fully manifests the phenomenon of emotion, l to attribution of meaning to what is perceived, and the corresponding action in this thrilling, all of which also involves a phenomenon Update reports "to hand, the living being is receiving.
clarified. a) requires signals from the environment that may be of different physical or chemical, depending on whether the smells, textures, sounds, tastes or images (in fact , photons). b) requires specialized structures, receptors, which are sensitive to environmental signals. c) the change of status of these surface receptors, triggers changes at the level of nerve cells, changes that are entirely dependent of internal structure of the nervous system according to the principle of operational closure. (see "Theoretical Tour II). d) these changes, undergo many transformations on the path to levels higher brain, so that we finally see the image is formed by 20% by signals coming from abroad and 80% by signals from inside the nervous system . The latter (80%) account for the total structure (see entry) in the body perceives and not just aspects of optical phenomena and physics of light. e) when perception occurs, the body perceives excited, gives a meaning to what is seen and displays the corresponding action, not just any action, only for the life history and overall structure (ontogeny) of that particular organism, included as we said, his memoirs.
take an example. A person is walking, a lion is placed behind him and starts to follow. Suddenly the person sees a "presence" behind her, turns her head and sees the beast. Here comes into play ontogenetic overall structure of this person and percentages to those already made allusion, because if he turns his head is a seasoned lion tamer, its overall structure the emotions she arouses, that for lions, embodied in his life, the action out of this meeting can be something like:! Ah, it is no longer a lion, "and take some safeguards in case the lion was uneducated. Instead if it walks you, whose experience with lions in the foreground than Animal Planet, you will trigger a move overall structure very different and your corresponding actions and I tell you!
therefore there is no objective look, a standard move, and a stereotyped action. Perception and meaning are personal matters, ontogenetic. The perceived reality is not independent of the perceiver. We do not perceive lions as lions are, but we perceive as like us. And this applies to perceive husbands, wives, children, political, Transantiago, movies, religions, heads and all that is. Will all this
any relation to medical practice? ABSOLUTELY! Here comes

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

80s Aerobics Instructors

Testimony that merits comments

The following is a testimonial comment to post Bontá Tito "Total Structure."

"But we must not forget that it was possible that the paradigms of medicine founded include humans in its overall structure as the state of knowledge at the time, was far from understanding the human beings in all their relationships. Only quite understand the biological-functional cells, tissues, and organs completely ignoring the impact of destructive emotions on cells, tissues and organs.
Today, we know that a cheerful and happy healthier clearly pose a bitter and unhappy ... and I say this from experience. At 5, 6 or 7 years "had" me naturalmte vaccinated against mumps, but was happy and carefree as I could not grab the respective virus. But at age 31 and after a family crisis, not only measles but also took a sharp ear that I had a really bad to bring ...
Today, at age 56, I realized that I am the constructor of my health ... and always choose not sick or at least not "build" a serious illness in my physical structure ... and learned what I have to do "

Monday, February 5, 2007

Breastfeeding Her Husband


loooooooong Read with care!
A poem, an egg, a chicken house, a car, the solar system, country or any other system that we distinguish is the system that is, because the constituent elements and relationships that these elements establish among themselves, allowing the establishment of the system is and not another one. The elements may change, but if the relations are maintained, will remain the same system. A chair for example, will remain so, although its elements are wood, metal, or plastic or a combination of these materials. Remain equal but the back seat is more or less inclined, the legs more or less separated, with or without armrests. But if relationships change in a radical way, as would happen if one leg is on the back and be in the place of the leg and buttocks on the side, no longer recognized as a chair and becomes a mess or a work of modern art. Becomes another system, another organization ..
Humans, on the principle of structural determinism (Tour theoretical I), are also determined in our structure, with the reservation that the concept of structure includes ALL constituent elements, ie the biological structure concerned, the memory, language, emotions, affections, aversions, fears, learning, beliefs, culture that is immersed and the paradigms on which they base their living, I call this set total structure. In all this, or if you prefer, any immediacy, humans will be determined by the total structure who have come to have so far, which of course can change by changing the relationships in which humans are involved. When someone says to another: "By God, how you've changed!" The implied answer is: "What happens is that I changed some (or many) relationship of the elements that shaped my previous overall structure, and I have changed". The structure is thus a dynamic concept, changing times to moment, depending on the circumstances of the relationship of living with oneself, with other living things, with things and the environment in which they live. This concept of structural change from moment to moment, is known téminos Ontogeny. This blog for example, has its ontogeny because it changes its structure depending on the circumstances of his future.
From the above, I emphasize that for the living - the particular human-relates and reacts to its own changes , of which are particularly relevant and emotional. Hence the saying: "He is not suffering from nerves, the nerves are sick of it" finds its support in the ontogeny total structure. In fact, in my experience, a good portion of the disease, we bring ourselves substantially, especially with our emotional reaction structure. This last observation is based the idea that we are developing using the relationship, move / sick / healing, and medical intervention in preventive medicine.
In our view, in the practice of modern medicine, the great omission is committed to see the patient with a limited biological approach (functioning of organs and systems), leaving out any consideration of diagnostic and therapeutic, the other elements (emotions beliefs, etc..) inseparable the man who consults and, most important is that the latter elements are also biologically based , but doctors do not consider when seeking the causes of the disease for this to happen requires a comprehensive approach, which still has not developed and therefore, the issue is not part of current discussions of the medical context. This blog is part of a line of thought emerging in the scientific literature of mind-body medicine.
But how did the modern medicna this remarkable omission? Simple, as a result of ontogenetic evolution in that founded the paradigms that did not include humans in its overall structure. Hence the need to change the look of the medical act.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Dvp-sr200p Sony Multi Region

In the foreground of the picture, I Rochom Pngieng, Cambodian woman who had strayed into the jungle at the age of 8 years. Eighteen years after that episode is found by some loggers and their parents recognize her as his daughter by a scar on her back. He says the news that the woman, and 26, did not recognize his parents could not speak, emitting guttural noises at night, so animal was moving (in fours) and not smiling.
If true story (remember that some years ago we had a pregnant man in the Philippines which was a fraud and was not!) We have to care as a child of eight years, radically changed environment and must develop strategies to adapt and survive in an unknown and hostile environment. To achieve this, she had to adapt their vision, their smell, their hearing, taste and touch, well your digestive system, biological systems that regulate wakefulness and sleep, thermal adaptation, muscular ability to climb and run, your endocrine system and immune systems. If I had not there would able to adapt and have died. As appreciated, adaptation is the ability that allows all living things remain as such when the environment in which change lives. This adaptation necessarily imply a structural change in the child, change affecting all biological systems.
With previous disquisitions, I want to draw attention to a central fact which is that lifestyle that living beings are involved, finds his stamp on the structure themselves. Why do children resemble their parents in their faces, body attitude, tone of voice, vocabulary, beliefs and preferences, including adopted children? We know that genes can not to account for such a great diversity of traits, is lifestyle which not only fundamentally shapes our bodies and biological systems, but also the world of mental phenomena and psychosocial characteristics. Many diseases and behavior related to them are social in origin and they are all learning emerged in living with others (and hence social). Thus, Rodriguez Rodrigues, Borque Borquez, the Fernandez Fernandes, the Bontá Bonten, the Calderon Calderon, Chile Chile, the Argentine Argentina, Cuba and all Cubans, they end up resembling each other because they share a way of life and develop a structure inscribed, embodied in their biology. The lifestyle, is a way to do be reflected in the overall structure of the living ; accustomed to refer to this as the way to be people. Third
theoretical principle. way of life and adaptation processes are reflected in the overall structure of living beings. Thus, learning is an embodiment and not an airy abstraction, as is customary to believe. Turning finally to Rocham
Pngieng, says the news that she liked to adorn themselves with flowers and banana leaves, dance and cheer up people of his tribe with their vivacity and good humor. Given that background, (and have been a long time: 8 years) I find it very surprising that it has recognized his parents forgot to smile and speak the lemgua of his tribe.