DAY REPORTER: Journalists are born or made? To this day I chose journalist to do something different. I proposed some journalists
students of social communication and journalism ,
teachers and a couple of bloggers
answer me one question.
journalist "is born or made? all kinds of responses emerged:
"I think you are born in the sense that one is curious since childhood. I always loved to investigate what was happening in grade, asking all to "discover the truth." Imagine my colleagues told me "CrónicaTV." Was born in that sense, you already have a profile. But then I think it is, I think the option I did and I do every day. " (
Anahí, General Roca)
"In my humble experience, is born. While someone who looked after without much calling can choose. Bancartelá But, you have to be born" (
Candela, General Roca)
"I think like any profession, it is ... although the call may be from very young, one is made. I q is a journalist or journalism as it the current context, so the stakes are different "(Matthew
, General Roca)
" To my period comes, but it's good knowledge to feed the passion as well "(Gustavo
, Buenos Aires )
"can be both. The important thing is to have enough momentum to investigate, discover and tell a story "(
Nicolas, Buenos Aires)
" Every profession is a combination of willingness and preparedness. And continuous learning. "(
Nanim , Neuquén)
" journalist is born ... it grows, perfect, you live, you feel ...." (
Angie, Villa Regina)
"My opinion is that when it comes to journalism, we are dealing with a very vocational profession, which needs a lot of motivation of the person to develop and 'take' on the job. You can go to college, an institute or take a correspondence course, but that does not reach you to move to 100% attitude for caring about the job. So I think you're born that way. That's why he enjoys the good and understand the sufferings "(
Sebastian, Buenos Aires)
" I think it has a bit of both. Since I was young I knew I was going to study something related to journalism because I loved watching the news and listen to radio programs that my parents tuned in every morning. And I also do, since it is a profession that demands all the time alert, and that will exercising with over the years "(Natalia
, General Roca).
"Journalist becomes once. I do not think things are innate, may have a vocation but ... There are certain things you have to live to be defined by this or that profession. I need to purchase more tools you have certain facilities . And finally you have to add the direction that everyone wants to give his profession. It is not Mariano Grondona same Cristian Alarcon and Mauro Viale. Is not the same Fusick Capote "(
Bethlehem, General Roca)
" You are born, the best are born to it ... although some may have a bit of desire and complete once started plugging in a race or when you start moving in the field ... "(Adrian
, General Roca)
" I think a journalist born and then ago. A person who intends to exercise this profession has to be extremely curious, and this virtue is innate, is with us from birth. You can not study to be curious. But curiosity is not enough to be a good journalist. There to specialize, train, learn and improve every day. It is also important to adapt to the historical moments and advances in technology, to make use of all resources available "(
Nicholas, General Roca).
"was born. I think there are qualities that can not be learned, there is a q instincts guide you in doing daily and has to be on the skin" (
Florence, Allen).
"I really believe q is a bit of both ... My case is like many others, from little ones say 'when I grow up I want to be (this)'. Q What really encouraged me was our teachers. It really inspired me, I was hooked, and I did find it fascinating q is journalism. Formed a critical, curious and restless in me. Of course there was always a bit of that in my nature, but they made an enhanced ... I think it must be born with that 'bug' insatiable appetite for truth. But beyond that, to me ALSO BE A JOURNALIST. ;) "(
Malén , Neuquén)
" Journalist done. Some people have a better "nose" for news, and there are those who know better manage the tools of the trade to write notes. But whether in the street or in the faculties, and journalists are formed through hard work. And the theme of "journalistic instinct is as ridiculous as the" maternal instinct "or" feminine intuition. " Observers are better or worse, nothing more "(
Fabian, Neuquén).
"Definitely both: one is born with a vocation and restlessness, but is done with training and practice." (
Andrea , General Roca)
"was born journalist, is to be equipped with an analytical view of all that surrounds them. The study gives you the tools to gain the ability to read between the lines "(
Diego, La Plata)
" Hello Marianela, I think you're born with that calling, then this in each improved in the aspects that most interest you or they are productive functioning in the workplace "(
Juan , General Roca).
"I do not believe in that of 'Journalist (or artist) is born." One is arming of toolmakers. Nobody is born knowing, and continue to learn forever "(Santiago
, Neuquén)
" I think there is a 50% and 50% in what is journalism. One is born with curiosity, with doubts, with questions Unanswered which wakes you up something that makes us look for new answers to things. Solutions perhaps. That curiosity, the urge to know they are developed more in one than in others and some are not even awake. So that's why there's a part that comes from us and one that is waking up as we are moving into certain tasks that cause us to go beyond simple data on the air "(
Cristina , Neuquén)
"I q a bit of both, vocation and go tenes q be fed, you have q q something like .... and then as you go around forming and growing in what you like, as you choose .. ... As a communicator who chose not journalism, but went on to study journalism, you could say that you must be born a little journalist because otherwise you can not exercise with full vocation, I could not have done it, so I chose .... management had not been a great journalist and I could thank my friends who are and they have the vocation "(Tamara
, Puerto Madrin)
" For my newspaper does. But it is based on a sense of innate curiosity. It's hard to explain, but the journalist in my opinion, is gossip 25 hours. day. If, 25 hours. And in fact this constant search for how, when and where lies the question of 'born' of the journalist. Now, whenever 'I do' to the extent that you go poking in different circumstances that make you 'curtirte' in the environment journalism. The real question journalist permanently if you do what is right and who writes, speaks or plays "(
Sebastian, General Roca)
" It is, as in any profession. Like always this is a lot longer discuss "(Federico
, General Roca)
" More than anything, the journalist does. And not just in college, it becomes in their daily lives. Actually, I think much of what we are each home, and in different professions, it is more cultural than a biological product. In this context, formal education, especially college, is a critical step for the formation humanistic and professional journalist. "(
Alejandro , General Roca)
" No doubt it does but it is essential that you have in the DNA of curiosity and social commitment to lead you to this path "(William
, Neuquén).
The curiosity, interest in discovering
, attitude
criticizes the permanent
concern and power of observation
seem to be, as that reported in previous reviews, some of the most important attributes that make the proper conduct of journalism.
Several (most respondents) who emphasized the vocation
, the "birth" to be what they are. This position is one that I share. For me, this profession is something we carry inside, that comes with us. Not everyone is interested in informing, and questioning, to investigate ... And those who love what they choose surely as I enjoy each issue, the satisfaction of fulfilling this role in society
What is emphasized as essential to the echo of "
done every day, learning the daily routine, but without neglecting training.
In conclusion, I think almost everyone agrees (me too)
is very important that vocation, but if it is linked with the knowledge . The rich academic background makes our practice so that the development of our profession is an activity better everyday.
I loved reading all
Thank you for submitting your feedback! About did not, of course invited to join this proposal and share their point of view!
journalists Happy day!