Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Basketball Famous Paintings

Moms adolescents: Prevention is the key

Adolescence is one of the most beautiful stage of life. It is the ideal time to study what you want to know love, to live without restrictions or responsibilities, is a time to enjoy. Some young people, for several reasons, ignore this step and take on adult responsibilities when parents .

Teenage pregnancies Frequent today. Most unplanned and can occur for several reasons that overlap. The experts agree that one of the most important causes is the lack of adequate information sexuality and body care and difficulty in access to prevention methods.

The state liability and its power of action, should be the main guarantor of sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents. The National Sexual Health and Responsible Parenthood , created by Law 25,673, was implemented throughout the country from March 2003 to reduce, among other things, rates of teenage pregnancy.

But despite this, every year the percentage of mothers under age increases significantly. Many teens uninformed about existing programs, or know that contraceptives are free, they can go to consult with hospitals.

a decade ago looked teenage pregnancy associated with the popular sectors, with less instruction on sex education and contraception. What is surprising is that today this reality spread to the middle . The

health center and Latin American Women argues that "the lack of contraceptive care seems to relate more to the teen's magical thinking, 'I do not going to happen', that lack of access contraceptive methods. "

know the factors that determine teen pregnancy, allows detection of youth at risk to extreme and prevention. They are:
  • early menarche: provides reproductive maturity while still not handle the risk.

  • Early initiation of sexual intercourse: when there is not yet the emotional maturity necessary to implement adequate prevention.

  • Dysfunctional Family: single parent or promiscuous behavior, which highlights the need to protect a family continent, with good dialogue parents - children. His absence creates emotional deprivation that she did not know how to solve it, so that sex has a lot more than submission to receive affection, genuine bond of love.

  • Greater tolerance of medium to teenage pregnancy and / or single

  • Low educational level: with general disinterest. When there is a life project that gives priority to achieve a given level of education and postpone childbearing to adulthood is more likely that the girl, still having sex, to adopt effective prevention of pregnancy.

  • Recent Migration: with loss of family ties. Occurs with the transfer of youth to cities in search of work and even on account of higher education. Thoughts

  • magical typical of this stage of life, which leads them to believe that they will become pregnant because they do not want.

  • sterility Fantasies: start having sex without care and, of becoming pregnant by chance, think they are sterile.

  • Missing or distortion of information: is common among adolescents moving "myths" as only become pregnant if you orgasm, or when it is larger, or when you do with menstruation, or when no penetration complete, etc..

  • Disputes between their value system and their parents: when the family has a severe censorship of sexual intercourse among adolescents, young people often have them for rebellion and, simultaneously, as a way themselves refuse to have sex do not implement contraceptive measures. Increased

  • number of adolescents: reaching 50% of the female population.

  • Sociocultural Factors: evidence of behavior change resulting from a new sexual freedom, which is equally divided between the different socioeconomic levels.

Similarly, despite these babies come in moments that are not listed here, that does not mean that they are not expected to love and parents can move forward and progress, for what is very important to have the support and containment family and institutions.

Image taken from:


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