Saturday, June 26, 2010

Diaper Punishment Toys

Sanjuana: fire, dance and purification

The protagonist is fire, which lights up to give more power sun and get people purified. Are the celebrations for the Noche de San Juan , an ancient ritual that is based on a fire, bringing together family and friends. Formerly

small fires were performed in which potatoes and yams are heated, which were then offered to attendees in order to assure sufficient food throughout the year.

also thrown into the flames, old clothes, papers, and anything that represented a bad memory, and thus exorcise the bad events of the previous twelve months.

As part of the usual, dancing and jumping around the fire to purify and protect against demonic influences and ensure the rebirth of the sun.

In Rock hoger was performed in the amphitheater Main Irrigation Canal, which organized English banks. A crowd celebrated, threw her dolls into the flames, shared chocolate and danced to Basque music.


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