What is happening in Salta? Abuse in old age
So far this year appeared seven teenagers hanged in addition to two suicide attempts registered in recent days. It all happened in Rosario de la Frontera, a village in the province of Salta. There is talk of a deadly game on the web. There is great uncertainty and concern.
Some of the articles published on news sites around the country: New
Salta daily : Suicide Rosario de la Frontera: Call involving the Attorney General's Office (18 / 6.10)
Given the seriousness of the situation we live in Rosario de la Frontera, national Senator Sonia Escudero yesterday presented a project in the national Senate, "calling on the Attorney General's Office to immediately promote the relevant criminal proceedings on charges of abetting suicide against those who disseminated Internet this abhorrent practice, thereby inducing massive people particularly vulnerable to risk their lives, with predictably fatal results. "
The Tribune : massive march to demand citizen solutions to the problem: Shock by a wave of youth suicide in a ritual (18/06/1910)
already are eight kills in a row and found a list that gives the names of those who will follow soon.
LV7 Radio: Salta: do not know how to stop the suicides in the "Game of Death" (06/18/1910)
Mario Dilascio, investigating judge is responsible for the investigation of four cases of possible incitement to suicide that took place on April 7 and 5, 9 and 10 June said, as a judge and as a neighbor of Rosario de la Frontera, "that what happens adolescents is puzzling.
Nation : pains in Salta: "We do not know how to stop these suicides (18/06/1910)
ROSARIO DE LA FRONTERA, Salta .-" We are desperate because they know how to stop this. We have never seen this amount of suicides. " He described yesterday to the NATION Mario Dilascio judge that lives this city of 30,000 dominated by psychosis due to the deaths of seven children occurred between August 2009 and last week. Why? A game that grows suicide among adolescents.
Black River: the mystery grows for "game" mortal (06/18/1910)
SALTA - Formal Instruction Judge 2 methane, Mario Dilascio, who investigates the mysterious wave of youth suicides has broken out in Rosario de la Frontera and has caused, between August last year and June this and eight deaths and at least 16 failed attempts at self-effacement, he ordered the kidnapping of a list containing the names of 13 students from the Normal School of the locality and that, hypothetically, would be the "chosen" to make the fateful "Game of Death" or "shocking game, which is around the neck with a tie or a blue scarf.
Los Andes : Salta: they believe that an instigator "guided" the children to suicide (18/06/1910)
Rosario de la Frontera in spoken text messages satanic death list , an Internet game. Police say students do not collaborate.
La Gazette de Tucumán : withheld research hypothesis instigator (06/18/1910)
The commission investigating the series of suicides took place in Rosario for Border considered the possibility from the outset: an instigator could have affected in adolescents who took the decision to kill himself by the disclosure of "game" that promotes experimentation with asphyxia. But the police did not clarify any arrests in this regard although María Luisa León, director of the School of Business Our Lady of the Rosary, said publicly that some accounts of the students had come to determine the identity of the alleged instigator.
Diario de Cuyo : A deadly game of concern in Salta (16/06/1910)
Salta Police are investigating whether a pattern of behavior induced in the number of deaths of adolescent suicidal acts promoted in an Internet game, police sources admitted yesterday the city of Rosario de la Frontera. In addition, the provincial Mental Health secretary, Claudia Román Ru, told news agency DyN in that southern city of Salta can be no "exclusion situations" relating to "lack of incentives and possibilities for the future."
Cordoba the morning of : pains in Salta by deadly game teen (15/06/1910)
María Luisa León, director of a school of Rosario de la Frontera, Salta, spoke on "The Game of Death" by which children are raised which resulted in choking and nine deaths. He fears that "there is a perverse mind was leading to the boys."
Rosario3 : pains in Salta for a game that can be fatal teen (06/15/1910)
is known as "The Game of Death." The kids cause suffocation and authorities say they already resulted in eight deaths.
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