Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Burpee Aristocrat Cooker Pat 1901699


Bontá Tito, lucid and permanent collaborator of this blog, in a recent comment to "Meaningful learning" said a boy, his father gave him a bike and no more was added: "There's got to entertain you ...". Although his father warned him "to entertain you" included blows, Tito, and bibicletear bicicleteó, was incorporated into its structure, "as the petroglyph remains in the rock." Put briefly, learned by doing.
Later in his commentary, Tito question "what happens to those memories that have not been recorded as "grooves carved into the rock," but are more like self-fulfilling prophecies and that somehow or another, determine behavior or doings in that direction? ". He instances, those people who feel" good for nothing " and to investigate their stories are generally "an ongoing mantra of their parents" You are a good for nothing ...". He concludes with the following question Tito investigation "Can we say then that in this situation, these parents are beginning to carve their children?" From the position
enactive learning, the answer is yes, because "parents permanently refrain" behaves like a drop styling groove rocks and leaves in memory of the recipient to repeatedly claim to be a good for nothing.
Recall that the relational context in which the father admonishes his son (a), is one with strong emotional component and the child, having a body with sensorimotrices skills, feels, perceives, the "good for nothing," as if he really was doing what needed to be "good for nothing." Perception is action, structural change to be reiterated, is recorded as "grooves carved into the rock." As if learning to ride a bike. Biking, thrilling thrilling being good for nothing. Both make concrete. It is the cognitive mechanism of the prophecies made by parents and compliance in children.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

How To Get Pokemon On Cydia

The drop hollows the stone, not by force but by perseverance "(Ovid).

How do we learn by doing? At this point in our journey blogger, can already give a definitive answer, this statement, which of course should be seen as temporary until new questions and their corresponding "definitive answers," making the final once, in transition. This at least in the field of scientific knowledge, as in other fields Some claim to have stuck and the wheel of Fortune.
go then with what we have: Any action, which includes all perception-not to mention the sixth sense organ, causing a structural change, manifested in phenomena sensorimotrices. Any action constant and consistent, leaving grooves in the body circuits that embody what we call memories, just the groove carved into the rock, is the memory of the water drop. The memories they are nothing but rows of concrete actions that took place during a critical time. Without memories carved into the body, no habits and without these there is no automatic actions that strengthen the grooves already begun. For any attentive observer, it is clear that a child learns to eat eating, climbing up ladders, to speak by speaking, as a novice tennis player learn playing it. Or is there some living to learn to do something without it?. Francisco Varela puts it this way: ¨ "This is the emergence of common sense, self-configuration of proper posture has been established by the agent's life history on their active participation ." Let us briefly
analysis expressed by F. Varela. "Emergence of common sense," ie, patterns of responses of a particular living in certain contexts, where a particular action, jump, run or walk slowly for example, is a matter of common sense for this living being. "Configuring Autonomous proper posture, specific and appropriate behavior The fact, that shortly. "Established by the history of their active agent", ie, concrete actions over time (historical) made by the living.
Hence, any process of change, or stop by repeated new do, or no change is possible, for lack of new chores, no new rows. Life will go running along old ruts. Promise does not change, making for a long time what is promised, it does make them. Perhaps
alos how long will designers of our school curriculum, conceptual understanding that learning is as message written in sand, that the next wave deleted without trace. You readers may now respond to the pressing question, for academic results, we again and again: why our students do not learn?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Many Members Does Average Gym Have


We spoke several times of structural determinism, a concept coined by Humberto Maturana. In essence, states that any system is what it is, because its structure determined to be that which is. The term, structure, connotes the various elements (parts) that make up any system (objects, scents, living things, symphonies, galaxies, etc.). and relationships established between these elements together. In the case of living beings (human in particular) have coined the term "total structure" to indicate that they are all observable elements in a living being who is determined. Therefore, we must consider: their biological structure, language, beliefs and paradigms, their emotions, their culture, their affections and dislikes, character and personality etc. We have also discussed
Ontogeny, understanding by this structural change from moment to moment that a living experience, to adapt to the changing environment and maintain its status as (and remain) alive in the course of his life. Are the specific chores that a living being made in his personal life, the main "sculptors" of its overall structure. During
long period of human life, are the adults who involve us in making concrete, it is they who show us and involve us in doing, cultural, linguistic, emotional, relational, beliefs, but unlike the sculptor who knows what model, adults do "what comes." Children in turn, like the statue, do not know that model and overall structure to acquire their total innocence. The expression of the parents, "always been the case from small," should be changed, "and from what we model tiny."
If you would like to know why we are who we are, we must refer to those carved from children.
But all is not lost. We can redesign.
Warning: Talk of the sculptors in the third person plural, is just one resource style.

When I Press On My Shin It Hurts

Reviewing the blog, I found a comment from Magdalena, inserted in the entry "testimony that merits comment" made on February 07, I encourage my readers to read it. Magdalena's writing is a perfect example of how phenomena are related to emotional health status of people and how a watchful eye can discover the roots of the disease.
Since then she says "have many emotional and economic needs" and yet "was happy or at least abstracted the world, like a cloud. "[...] I began to remember that my health problems have been accompanied by an inner sense of loneliness and discontent, despite my achievements. Now I can understand that maybe my medical conditions are related in some form with my emotional state. " Magdalena
diagnosis does not explain why we have made about their health problems, but I can guess that no one has asked about their emotional life, his heart lived. Modern medicine does not deal with it, in the best posits other possible diagnoses, the psychological or psychiatric field. It is also certain that the symptoms that are metaphors of "Emotional needs" and "down to earth from a cloud." The body tries solutions, all sickness is an attempt to solve, but the medicine, when someone points out an object with your finger, looks at the finger, not to where it points. So the question
that Magdalena closes his commentary, contains the solution to your health problem. You should certainly let out his emotions in emotional deprivation, which of course are included in reports of body-as surely as the Fab Cadieux, they said in their song The condenaditos: "What part of your body stores all hidden" - and a Once sprung, learning to live without them. Magdalena
Thank you for your comment.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Shingles On The Ankles


Maybe some of you have had the opportunity to give food to a baby and perhaps have had the experience-inperiencia surprising to see that there comes a time when he or she stretches out his hand to take the spoon. What is surprising, is that even was the first time that the child makes the gesture of taking the spoon, making properly, ie by handle, then take the food concave side, lifts the spoon filled with "potato" and even more surprisingly, succeeds the complex movement of it towards the mouth. Sure, the first few times is frustrated because the food turns almost at destination. What relationship can
have such a familiar image, with the concepts we have discussed so far such as ontogeny, structural coupling, phenomena sensorimotrices, emotion, perception and meaning?
Consider two statements, one of Konrad Lorenz: "To live is to learn" and one of Francisco Varela, "The perception is action, perceptually guided."
K. Lorenz, emphasizes the fact of being alive having experiences, is itself an act of learning. For example, today I watched a father who fell from a taxi was carrying a child about two years. Once they had fallen, the boy stretched out his arm and pushed the door taxi to close. How the child came to acquire such learning? "Living" says Lorenz. And the question that logically follows is: "How is that living is learning?
F. Varela says, because of perceived and that perception (visual in this case) is an action, except that several times, before closing the door of the taxi by himself, has been perceptually guided action. Seeing his father shut the door, the child was "as if" he was closing. Sensorimotrices phenomena that always accompany the collection, dealing with "make sense" NNW perceived action. This phenomenon, perception and action is what makes us move when we go to the circus to see acrobats and trapeze artists. To add color, I'm falling Oh!, Artists transport us magically into place. For us viewers, it's as if we were falling, although we are very firm in our seats. Similarly, a teacher sit still while talking to his students at the rotation of the earth, transmits to his students that when rotating, the Earth does not move. Go boredom!
The boy, who seems taken first spoon to eat, just seems, he has already taken many times before, seeing the act of being fed. Perceiving
do and doing learn.

Melanoma And Armpit Rash


Antonio Damasio, a neurologist renowned author of "Descartes' Error" and "Feel what happens," he said in the interview E. Punset in TVE (link in right column) the following:
"And then things get into a complicated spiral in which increased awareness and feeling more and more ... but somehow, it is necessary to initiate. If we did not feel our body, for starters, if you do not notice your changes, there could be no conscience! consciousness is intimately linked with this initial sense of self, and have a sense of self need to feel your own body and what changes in it. "
The mother in the image illustrating this post, tickling the child, this feels the change in your body also feels the change occurs within the limits of his body and that it is a joyful and pleasant sensation. When the child feels feels reveals that the structure we need to be aware it exists, and also reveals that multiple units have been activated sensorimotrices and brought it the scene of his life, a thrill. What Damasio tells us contains a radical statement, which is that without the occurrence of phenomena sensorimotrices might not be aware ; could not know that what happens, happens in self in a self ..
The origin of consciousness, is in the body.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Brazillian Ladies Volleyball Team


The entrance is a contribution made by Eduardo Troncoso, psychologist and active participant in our Blog.

The present moment, the here and now, is always a point of reference when making contact with it yourself. There is no other time right now to feel that you contact and what you get, you realize your moods and to empoderarte from your experiences. Yesterday is over and tomorrow it does not happen, they are only in our imagination. Instead, what happens in the present tense, ie now, is the immediacy of living. Living in the here and now, living the moment to moment, can be achieved every time we breathe in and breathe out, focus on every moment of this simple and natural body process. Once this is becoming part of our experience, we're realizing how we at this time, we will be present in moments of life, even in unpleasant. We are able to assimilate the stuff of which we are cargo.El live here and now is not superficial, full of subtle emotions, embodied in every idea, image or sensation they pass through our consciousness. We are fully in the life that happens to us.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Program Ideas For Church Banquet

traduttore traditore

An old Italian proverb, t raduttore traditore, literally translates as "the translator betrays," but the truth is that its meaning in the Italian cultural context is more properly " betrays translation "or" translation can be tricky "at least that's how my Italian friends I have translated.
By observing closely the work of translators, we realize that this is to listen what is said in one language and communicate with others in a different language. What is not always appreciated is that any IDOM, is the set of expressions used culture to account for the agreements they have achieved partipantes it over time, to agree on how they will be put agree to coordinate their actions. A language is then the result of lifestyle a particular culture, which creates inter coordination, linguistic expressions used in it. Thus many expressions of a language can not be translated into other IDOM, because those are meaningless in a different culture. "Send a condor, "" not important, but equal "," Let the pie "," be flat "," écolecuá "," that flaite! "and many others, are comprehensible to us Chileans but incomprehensible to participants other cultures, because these distinctions are those of our coexistence only. Only send "Condor" who saw that game, even without seeing it, just send them when you grow up listening to others who use it to describe certain actions.
I think at this point of the blog, it is not necessary to explain that everyone is a product of the relationships that carved its overall structure through its ontogeny. It is as if a person is a culture itself and therefore the translations, meanings-that makes the reality is different, as is its overall structure. Translate "reality" as we perceive it as from ourselves and not depending on how this is supposed to. The perceived reality is that our National Science Award Humberto Maturana, is not independent of that which perceives . I acknowledge that may not have been that the textual expression of Maturana, but is in any case the central approach in face of knowledge.
Living things related to living with ourselves, with everything around us and perceive, we are always assigning meaning. It is the reason for the perception-action pair, sensorimotrices built on the phenomena that we are, what's interesting is that the meanings we attach to what we perceive, are linked to the life history of each particular organism lived. Varela referred to this fact by saying that living things, we add "a surplus of meaning" to what is perceived. Transform the perceived meanings. As the translator at conferences, we assign meanings to the same facts we perceive and those meanings are not the facts themselves, but arise related to our life story.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Acne Best Foundation 2010

when suddenly

Goyeneche, in an unforgettable song recorded with Piazzolla, "Balada para crazy ", he recited:"
"The afternoons in Buenos Aires, that what I have, you know?
I left home for Arenales, as always in the street and in you.
When suddenly, from behind a tree I show up! "
The cognitive sciences, not to mention the ballad, have repeatedly drawn attention to this extraordinary moment in which a cognitive agent, the self-sale to the stage. It is a moment we've all experienced when suddenly a thought takes us out of the tranquil flow of our living and "our world" changes. Called cognitive science break these ruptures. I do not mean the world "outside" but the inmate, the mind-body space we inhabit. Not only thoughts abruptly evicted us from our quiet flow, as does a horn, the bite of an insect, or actual loss of our wallet. Suddenly everything changes and our overall structure jumps to the stage of life and we present to the world as we are, all of this until that special moment is diluted, the world emerged disappears until the next break. These exits the stage, F. Microidentidades Varela called them with the corresponding microworld. Notably these microidentidades constitute the basis of history of the cognitive agent, history of ME. In examining the structure
neural phenomena we find activation of discrete groups of neurons that arise in areas isolated from each other, until all reach a point of consistency (microidentidad) of short duration, then these groups fall into a chaotic vibrate until next time consistency. It looks like the time a symphony orchestra begins to tune their instruments, until they finally all in the tone and hear the whole orchestra. Is the time of cognitive agent is a self-knowing and then return to the chaotic background and so on. The emergence of "being cognitvo" is "leapfrog" not a continuous flow. We
Festival as a sort of pyrotechnic events arising and go, nothing like solid events and long-lasting, nothing I like a stable. Paraphrasing
Goyeneche-Piazzolla say:
"When suddenly behind a break , I appear" very soon
to disappear until the next break, added.
RECOMMEND: Video Eric Goles / F.Varela / Mind-Body (General Interest Links)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

List Of Possible Wordlock Combinations


Several readers have noticed changes in previous posts and I wonder if these changes must be made as corrections original entries. The answer is that there are bug fixes, are ontogenetic changes, is, they are inevitable changes the fact that this blog exists regarding its readers. What readers say, trigger changes in the blog author warns readers attentive as changes.
This leads me to make clear that the various entries in this blog are not intended to be expressions of petrified biological truths, are indeed well-founded opinions, valid scientific sources "about the phenomenon of live-oriented practices medical. Of course, these opinions are not the result of a strategy "copy-paste" of sources. In fact, I think, that when some of the participants in any relationship, no change in the relationship, then there are relating, are petrified. Belong to the team of "'m not there."
Conclusion: This blog, change in the relationship, because it is a product of living beings (and readers) that influence and change each other in the relationship. In short, this blog is ontogenetic.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Menstrual Like Cramps 40 Weeks Pregnant


Several entries in this blog, I used the expression, sensorimotrices phenomena. Some readers have suggested that I talk more extensively to it. Gladly accept the suggestion because, as I hope will clarify below, or biology, or Medicine, or emotion, be what they are (if they became something) without the concurrence of sensorimotriz.
describe the need for diagrammatically, tell the story of what sensorimotriz begins when certain configurations of energy began to form atoms, then simple molecules that became in complex until the appearance of biomolecules and the now famous team CHONPS ( Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur) from which the world of molecular configurations possible logarithmically expanded to make possible the emergence of autopoietic, ie the living. If we sharpen the eye, we realize that what is in the phenomena described above (energy, atoms, molecules, etc.). is the ability to create relationships between elements, relationships that open new possibilities that were not present before the relationship is constituted. order for these new opportunities arise we must accept that " create relationship" implies (to the elements of the relationship), somehow feel the relationship and somehow respond to that feeling. In the world of the living (or autopoietic) answer is to move. The whole phenomenon becomes a sensori (sorry) and drive (I move). The almost endless possibilities of plasticity which opened in the course of disease of the Nervous System, are based on these humble sensorimotrices phenomena. But this is only valid for the nervous system, but it is for both single-celled organisms lacking in him, as for other integrated systems in the body including the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, skeletal muscle, or any phenomenon that occur in living organisms.
Every emotion for example, consists of sensorimotrices phenomena, which certainly arise from our overall structure, embodied footprint of our living. New phenomena sensorimotrices structural changes that will trigger change our biology, our emotions, our doing and our being as a result. We have said: We are as we do.
BUT, if we do not attend sensorimotrices the phenomena that arise in our body as a result of what we do, then we're becoming numb to the consequences of our doing and from that point we no longer feel responsible for what we do.
We went to live without living, to live without feeling, we go through life without living it, that is not the case that illustrates this post torero!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lord Of The Ring Streaming Megavidoes


We have said we share the proposal of Maturana and Varela to attribute to a system, the quality of living. A system is alive, they said, if the elements of which are formed and relationships established that these same elements together, allow the existence of a dynamic that is capable of producing materials or elements of that system is formed, it is that a system is alive if it autopoietic organization (ability to place themselves) and builds an open flow of energy and matter with the environment in which they live.
Simple observation shows that a tree is the tree itself that brings forth new leaves, flowers and fruits after they have completed the previous cycle. Only need energy (which comes from the sun), water and minerals (from land) to grow. We ourselves are a demonstration of autopoietic character of our constituent cells. Is the internal metabolic machinery that allow them the reproduction of new cells to replace those that die or are damaged and as plant cells Require accept contributions from energy and materials from the environment.
The autopoietic system is in relation with the environment and is capable of adaptation, since the conditions changing, moment by moment, the environment, mean that the suits also living moment to moment. Otherwise, leave autopoietic organization to have and die. This adaptation takes the form of structural changes, which obviously occur moment to moment. In fact, our apparent stability is established in a continuous flow of thousands of changes and phenomena that emerge and disappear constantly.
The idea that humans are something fixed, stable and predictable ("I am so and so I shall die," said an old song) not supported by biology but rather a dramatic cut-assertion in the case of song-proper to the arts. Very close to the biology (or herself), Gonzalo Rojas when he wrote:
"What we love when we love, my God, terrible light of life or light of death? What is sought, what is, what is this: love? Who is it? ".
A would answer the burning question: A phenomenon of structural change, moment by moment, perceived as molecularly guided and sensory-motor phenomena," emotions that soon-as such, we push a certain type of action .
fully admit that the poetic structure that builds Rojas, is much more inspiring than the molecular expression expressed by me, or by Maturana and Varela, for the rascal-
me out but does not detract from the latter his greatness. Knowing that claiming to love the poet has to understand a biological basis, not go away, to love, its magic. Something
remains and something changes. Life is constantly changing from moment to moment, we live in relationship and the items listed are in constant change. The same goes for us, though we live in the illusion that we are the same forever.

Monday, April 16, 2007

List Of Models From Bottomless Party Scene

A team of doctors from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine at Stanford University in California , led by Dr. Victor Carrion, could demonstrate in children with Down Syndrome PTSD product of child abuse and elevated cortisol levels at baseline, which Against this background, were predictive of decreased hippocampal volume in a period of 12 to 18 meses.Concluyeron stress as a result of maltreatment, is associated with reduced hippocampal volume.
Recall that the hippocampus, part of the limbic system is a double structure located deep in the temporal lobe brain and its functions are related to the memory of recent events and learning, as well as the regulation of aggression and other functions .
This paper published in the journal Pediatrics earlier this year, is one among several, that are proving the central thesis of our blog, which is that the way of life human-in particular the emotional and relational-are felt by the entire structure that constitutes and is therefore involved in the processes that lead to disease.
Certainly, more studies are needed to safely lead us to discover the finer aspects that a decrease in volume of brain structure but the important thing here is that the emotional life is closely related to the body and leaves its mark there.
Taking a look at the previous post, what will have been the hippocampus of the children of Jabba the Hutt?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Greeting Messages For Holidays


Part II.
d) We are historical beings. This we refer to the fact that
our actions, our behaviors, our thoughts,
and finally everything in which we engage, its mark on our overall structure, based on that, articulated the following cognitive events and thus end up looking like what we have done previously. The expression "hey, you continue as before" gives a historical account of the living. The deeper mark this be historical, finds its manifestation in our habits, which we usually do not have consciousness. However, habits (not just eating and physical activity), are the basis of many diseases.
e) We live unattended. Our Western culture has not included in their care practices to develop their own making, hence, our habits "go cast" and ended up doing, without being present (conscious), we do automatically. It is easy to see in others when we observe "blown away" without seeming to realize how they are losing, while they are losing. It is difficult to see in us. Live scattered beyond our immediate. Fortunately, pay attention to make each immediacy itself is something that our biological resources allow us to learn, by making specific course.
f) We are beings social and linguistic. molecular We are individuals with a mode of social life that require consensual agreements to coordinate our behavior in social life. Put briefly, vivmos language, the words are only one element of language. We live in relationship and attaching meaning to this relationship.
g) We are what we do. And we do what we, as the overall structure of our life has carved us. Much of what we do, from a script written by others under whose spell fall. Upon awakening to the immediacy that we are doing our make concrete occur, we can start writing our own script, transitional true.
h) diseases come from us. Almost all the people I've asked if they believe that the diseases are related to the suffering of the soul, I say yes. In my practice of mind-body medicine, this is an obvious link. Certainly the general principle of structural determinism (see entries Theoretical Tour I and Structure Total) is always applied, hence an inborn genetic disorder may prevent proper synthesis of certain proteins and thus prevent normal organ function. But for most common diseases, the particular way of life that people do (particularly in aspects emotional and relational) and the sufferings of the soul, are causative factors (disease causing).
i) Healing also . It is surprising that despite our status as molecular entities in constant change, with dynamics that emerge and disappear, arise in our compelling phenomena such as compassion, beauty, poetry, music, peace of mind, empathy and healing from ourselves. However, to walk the path of healing is to unlearn, remove beliefs, habits and limiting behaviors, such ontogenetic language, we must restructure. Clean up is more in our overall structure, remove excess. Mind-body medicine deals with it, it's biology to the body and soul.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Pregnant Chunky Discharge


What have died Jabba the Hutt?
Some people say that the diseases that afflict them have nothing to do with his personality. This thought, shared by many doctors, is that the disease is a phenomenon that occurs to the physical body ("the flesh"), which was independent of emotional and spiritual life of the person in whose body the disease occurs. Joy and suffering, unavoidable elements of daily life-not take place therefore in the considerations of the phenomenon of illness and healing.
For such people, treatment failure is resolved with new drugs, or conduct further tests or consultation with other specialists, but to draw attention to the mode of being, or shadows.
But there is useful data to consider when to ignore the mode of being as etiopathogenic factor:
a) related live. With other living beings, things do not live with our environment, our culture, our beliefs, which we like and what we dislike, our thoughts, energies, with the perceived, and finally with many other elements easy to discover how our relaciones.Las establishing relationships have impact on the organisms that are set and these are manifested structurally. But it is a rarity in medical practice is to ask the patient about the quality of their relationships, the reason for this omission is simply that this aspect of people's lives is not considered relevant in medical practices in use.
b) emotional We are biological beings. This implies that the relationships (contact), and if our overall structure as possible, our state changes, to calm a nervous, sleepy to awake, from dark to bright, from boring to concerned, safe to unsafe. All the changes mentioned and countless other possible changes are entrenched in complex biological dynamics that make us feel that we excited. The phenomenon of the thrill has gone on stage and the stage is our body. Is indifferent to the body move?
c) relationships and emotions are shaping our structure.
As we have said on several blog entries, we are constituted, determined, in our overall structure. In every relationship, perception and change our bodies, when these relations are recurrent, these changes are "embodied" structurally (see "The move has owner "). Archives of Internal Medicine, a prestigious medical journal, published in January 2007 the results of an investigation in which disease and way of showing their relationship at the molecular level. more scientific impossible! We refererir this publication in an upcoming entry.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Slight Vision Loss Tingling Fingers


When "we are touched by an external object which we are sensitive-onset of the phenomenon of perception occurs in our body a change of state we has an action, a motion (notorious or subtle), which brings us disturbing or out of the object, the address of this movement will depend on the meaning we attribute to that object as dangerous or safe, desirable or undesirable, among many others. All these phenomena: change of state, meaning and resultant action will be determined by the previous history of the organism, because as we have shown, the story carves our overall structure, and gives us memory.
The change of state of the organism, we have a certain type of movement (or action), we call emotion . That move depends on the history of that particular organism. If a fakir steps on a nail, your move will be very different if he was born with shoes steps on posts. If the listener an offensive word, used to be a football referee, his move will be very different from a chronic asshole are different because the whole structure is different, and this is, because his life has been so.
who say that man is a historical being is therefore not a conceptual or philosophical matter, is primarily a structural issue, biological, dispositional circuit "at hand, ready to light when certain objects trigger ignition. Different life histories, dispositional sculpt different circuits, different emocionares. And this influence of living extends to the level of catalytic phenomena of our biochemical processes. Ilya Prigogyne won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The move, involving the whole body, feel the nail in the whole body, not just in the foot, so that this global phenomenon occurs, he or internal objects, thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, emotions, meanings, dreams, inspirations, memories, dislikes, likes, should "play" any tissue where there are sensors (actually receiving) appropriate. Every emotion is then mediated by biological elements and every emotion is biology updating the organism's life history that excites.

Friday, March 23, 2007

How To Look Like Meagan Good


The grace of being loved language is that we invent words that we believe best represent what we mean in any case. Is the case of " inperiencia ."
the basis of what appeared in many entries, particularly in "The six sense organs II" and my experience as a therapist in mind-body medicine, concluded that it is useful to distinguish between the phenomenon through which we relate to external objects, for which reserve the term experience and the phenomena through which we relate to internal objects, for which the new term reserve inperiencia . As mentioned in entry already mentioned, the classic sense organs, eye, hearing, taste, smell and touch, are responsible for mediating the perception of objects outside the body, then mediate our experience . Note that the term "object" I mean also to sounds, smells, textures, flavors and not just what we've come to call "stuff."
The mind and its phenomena, the sixth sense organ, average change the body's internal objects, thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, emotions, meanings, hopes, inspirations, likes, dislikes, all of which are orated in- structurally us. The mind, then half, signals from inside of ourselves, mean time, our inperiencia.
It is inferred that many new issues, foremost among all, according to my watch-that human beings have a very limited action potential to change the world of our experience, but we do have a very large to change the world our inperiencia. If we decide to learn how to do it, of course.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fake Braces Headgear For Sale


If I remember correctly, was A. Damasio, who said that "living things not only are, but they also seem to be dedicated to stay alive " to do, need to have elements (sensors) to inform it of changes in the external environment-in the case of single-celled living organisms, and also internal changes in the environment for living complex as is the case with humans. What we commonly call "sensory organs" are relative to those structures through which we grasp disturbances coming from the outside world (beyond our skin), as are sound waves and lighting, surface textures, flavors and smells. The interesting thing worth noting is that when these shocks are captured by our organs senses, starting the biological phenomenon of perception (see The six bodies ... I), our body changes state , our world changes. Stop having spent the previous state and a new world. This is what happens when we perceive the scent of a perfume reminiscent of an old love, or a melody, or a horn, or play with our feet a foreign object and slippery when swimming in a lake. The change of state described, which we perceive as sensory and motor phenomena-is the basis of events that arise for our body to respond to the new situation and generate appropriate adaptive action, which as we saw, depends on the structure total ontogenetic the body undergoes change of state, which is to say that the adaptive action depends on the agency's history (see The six bodies ... I). Few milliseconds after the occurrence of perception, there is the thrill of the body, comes a cascade of biochemical events, energy and molecules; disturbances coming from the inner world (inside our skin), and once more our status changes; or assign meaning to the external objects that started the phenomenon, and thus change the subject, it ceases to be what it is and becomes the significance we attribute to. Say
this another way: Any time we perceive an object coming from outside or from within our limits, we change and the change we change the subject. And all these changes are determined by our history, embodied in our overall structure.
Among the disturbances (in the form of molecules, hormones, peptides, energy) coming from the inner world of mental phenomena , thoughts, images, motivations, beliefs, attachments, aversions, among others, constitute a powerful source of disturbance that being perceived change our world, and, to keep in mind, change our biological processes.
conclude. The mind is the sixth sense organ and has a unique characteristic: it can generate its own disturbances, a matter known to everyone. Let's put a proverb: "Tell me what you think and tell you how is your biology" or "Show me your biology and you say as you thought" or proverbs ending, as M. Chacón said in his commentary, "therefore a biology could crawl from the movements of the mind as they are one, or each structure is reflected in the other, that is what I call mind-body unity. " In the same line should be as commented by Tito, which appears in the entry posted on February 7. Obviously, the comments make history.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Camcorder Used For Reality Tv


What was the "true" for fans of the white team? What fans of yellow?
used to say that sugar is sweet, the film was bad, the food made me sick, I offended anyone, that the book was good, the boss chasing me, that guy is a heavy, you have the guilt, that the subject is boring, the work stresses that the goal was stalk, all these expressions represent a way of looking at life "because of her talk-whether a book, a head, the other, the sugar, or a goal, since that reveal that for whom the issues, the reality (book, boss, work, sugar, goal etc.) itself is sweet, stalk, heavy, guilty, offensive, well, boring, stressful, for this way of understanding life, we have no part, do not count in qualifying we make of the " reality "supposedly reality and its quality (sweet, bad, heavy, guilty, offensive, good stalk) is independent of us who are those who qualify. In conclusion, for this way of understanding things, sugar is sweet itself; guy is heavy itself, the work is stressful in itself , and the goal is to stalk itself , and all of them are what they are, regardless of us observers of those who qualify.
The correct understanding of the biology of perception with a bright light shines on us, to show that this way of understanding life does not fit the facts. Biology makes it clear that we do not see things the way things are, but we see them as like us. And we are the total structure with which "we left the scene" in any immediacy. (See "total structure") is from this total structure, with which we attribute meaning to the interactions we engage in any immediacy, whether interactions with bosses, or themes, or books, or meals, our biology, our overall structure, is not independent of our life but that comes from this particular life. Living beings and hence humans are creators of meanings we usually call "reality", but the meanings of this reality, and reality itself, are not independent of our overall structure, are products of it (see "The six organs of sense I).
Much of the conflict between humans would be solved by confronting our differences if we said: "In my entire structure, the reality I see is
...". And it is good to remember that the meanings we attribute to the "reality", raise in us the surprising phenomenon of our emotions. Penas, joys, surprises, embarrassment, doubt, fear and many other emotions that arise from the meanings we attribute the things we perceive, not the things themselves. We have said in other entries but it is useful to reiterate: no one and nothing can scare us if we do not get scared, nothing and no one can offend us if we do not offend, nothing and no one can embarrass us if we do not grieve. The excitement stems from the meaning we give to things. It is from this relationship, perception versus meaning, that many biological processes ending in disease. Ignore the emotions of people as belonging to the disease is in my opinion, an omission more in medical practice current. My professional experience tells me that a substantial portion of expenses that people incur in favor of regaining lost health can be avoided if the doctors we included the variable move in our considerations. The thrill is not a matter for specialists should be part of the baggage elementary medical act.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Can Rapadura Sugar Replace Brown Sugar


When a light signal (photon) from the medium reaches the retina, there occurs an activation, a marked change in the activity of light receptors, located at the outer surface of the nerve cell membrane on which these receptors are alight; as a result of this activation, the trigger changes in the thickness of the membrane and due to the internal structure of the nervous system membrane which forms part generated electrical and chemical phenomena that give rise to signs that after many interactions, finally topped the perceptual phenomenon we call, see. Once we see an image fully manifests the phenomenon of emotion, l to attribution of meaning to what is perceived, and the corresponding action in this thrilling, all of which also involves a phenomenon Update reports "to hand, the living being is receiving.
clarified. a) requires signals from the environment that may be of different physical or chemical, depending on whether the smells, textures, sounds, tastes or images (in fact , photons). b) requires specialized structures, receptors, which are sensitive to environmental signals. c) the change of status of these surface receptors, triggers changes at the level of nerve cells, changes that are entirely dependent of internal structure of the nervous system according to the principle of operational closure. (see "Theoretical Tour II). d) these changes, undergo many transformations on the path to levels higher brain, so that we finally see the image is formed by 20% by signals coming from abroad and 80% by signals from inside the nervous system . The latter (80%) account for the total structure (see entry) in the body perceives and not just aspects of optical phenomena and physics of light. e) when perception occurs, the body perceives excited, gives a meaning to what is seen and displays the corresponding action, not just any action, only for the life history and overall structure (ontogeny) of that particular organism, included as we said, his memoirs.
take an example. A person is walking, a lion is placed behind him and starts to follow. Suddenly the person sees a "presence" behind her, turns her head and sees the beast. Here comes into play ontogenetic overall structure of this person and percentages to those already made allusion, because if he turns his head is a seasoned lion tamer, its overall structure the emotions she arouses, that for lions, embodied in his life, the action out of this meeting can be something like:! Ah, it is no longer a lion, "and take some safeguards in case the lion was uneducated. Instead if it walks you, whose experience with lions in the foreground than Animal Planet, you will trigger a move overall structure very different and your corresponding actions and I tell you!
therefore there is no objective look, a standard move, and a stereotyped action. Perception and meaning are personal matters, ontogenetic. The perceived reality is not independent of the perceiver. We do not perceive lions as lions are, but we perceive as like us. And this applies to perceive husbands, wives, children, political, Transantiago, movies, religions, heads and all that is. Will all this
any relation to medical practice? ABSOLUTELY! Here comes

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

80s Aerobics Instructors

Testimony that merits comments

The following is a testimonial comment to post Bontá Tito "Total Structure."

"But we must not forget that it was possible that the paradigms of medicine founded include humans in its overall structure as the state of knowledge at the time, was far from understanding the human beings in all their relationships. Only quite understand the biological-functional cells, tissues, and organs completely ignoring the impact of destructive emotions on cells, tissues and organs.
Today, we know that a cheerful and happy healthier clearly pose a bitter and unhappy ... and I say this from experience. At 5, 6 or 7 years "had" me naturalmte vaccinated against mumps, but was happy and carefree as I could not grab the respective virus. But at age 31 and after a family crisis, not only measles but also took a sharp ear that I had a really bad to bring ...
Today, at age 56, I realized that I am the constructor of my health ... and always choose not sick or at least not "build" a serious illness in my physical structure ... and learned what I have to do "

Monday, February 5, 2007

Breastfeeding Her Husband


loooooooong Read with care!
A poem, an egg, a chicken house, a car, the solar system, country or any other system that we distinguish is the system that is, because the constituent elements and relationships that these elements establish among themselves, allowing the establishment of the system is and not another one. The elements may change, but if the relations are maintained, will remain the same system. A chair for example, will remain so, although its elements are wood, metal, or plastic or a combination of these materials. Remain equal but the back seat is more or less inclined, the legs more or less separated, with or without armrests. But if relationships change in a radical way, as would happen if one leg is on the back and be in the place of the leg and buttocks on the side, no longer recognized as a chair and becomes a mess or a work of modern art. Becomes another system, another organization ..
Humans, on the principle of structural determinism (Tour theoretical I), are also determined in our structure, with the reservation that the concept of structure includes ALL constituent elements, ie the biological structure concerned, the memory, language, emotions, affections, aversions, fears, learning, beliefs, culture that is immersed and the paradigms on which they base their living, I call this set total structure. In all this, or if you prefer, any immediacy, humans will be determined by the total structure who have come to have so far, which of course can change by changing the relationships in which humans are involved. When someone says to another: "By God, how you've changed!" The implied answer is: "What happens is that I changed some (or many) relationship of the elements that shaped my previous overall structure, and I have changed". The structure is thus a dynamic concept, changing times to moment, depending on the circumstances of the relationship of living with oneself, with other living things, with things and the environment in which they live. This concept of structural change from moment to moment, is known téminos Ontogeny. This blog for example, has its ontogeny because it changes its structure depending on the circumstances of his future.
From the above, I emphasize that for the living - the particular human-relates and reacts to its own changes , of which are particularly relevant and emotional. Hence the saying: "He is not suffering from nerves, the nerves are sick of it" finds its support in the ontogeny total structure. In fact, in my experience, a good portion of the disease, we bring ourselves substantially, especially with our emotional reaction structure. This last observation is based the idea that we are developing using the relationship, move / sick / healing, and medical intervention in preventive medicine.
In our view, in the practice of modern medicine, the great omission is committed to see the patient with a limited biological approach (functioning of organs and systems), leaving out any consideration of diagnostic and therapeutic, the other elements (emotions beliefs, etc..) inseparable the man who consults and, most important is that the latter elements are also biologically based , but doctors do not consider when seeking the causes of the disease for this to happen requires a comprehensive approach, which still has not developed and therefore, the issue is not part of current discussions of the medical context. This blog is part of a line of thought emerging in the scientific literature of mind-body medicine.
But how did the modern medicna this remarkable omission? Simple, as a result of ontogenetic evolution in that founded the paradigms that did not include humans in its overall structure. Hence the need to change the look of the medical act.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Dvp-sr200p Sony Multi Region

In the foreground of the picture, I Rochom Pngieng, Cambodian woman who had strayed into the jungle at the age of 8 years. Eighteen years after that episode is found by some loggers and their parents recognize her as his daughter by a scar on her back. He says the news that the woman, and 26, did not recognize his parents could not speak, emitting guttural noises at night, so animal was moving (in fours) and not smiling.
If true story (remember that some years ago we had a pregnant man in the Philippines which was a fraud and was not!) We have to care as a child of eight years, radically changed environment and must develop strategies to adapt and survive in an unknown and hostile environment. To achieve this, she had to adapt their vision, their smell, their hearing, taste and touch, well your digestive system, biological systems that regulate wakefulness and sleep, thermal adaptation, muscular ability to climb and run, your endocrine system and immune systems. If I had not there would able to adapt and have died. As appreciated, adaptation is the ability that allows all living things remain as such when the environment in which change lives. This adaptation necessarily imply a structural change in the child, change affecting all biological systems.
With previous disquisitions, I want to draw attention to a central fact which is that lifestyle that living beings are involved, finds his stamp on the structure themselves. Why do children resemble their parents in their faces, body attitude, tone of voice, vocabulary, beliefs and preferences, including adopted children? We know that genes can not to account for such a great diversity of traits, is lifestyle which not only fundamentally shapes our bodies and biological systems, but also the world of mental phenomena and psychosocial characteristics. Many diseases and behavior related to them are social in origin and they are all learning emerged in living with others (and hence social). Thus, Rodriguez Rodrigues, Borque Borquez, the Fernandez Fernandes, the Bontá Bonten, the Calderon Calderon, Chile Chile, the Argentine Argentina, Cuba and all Cubans, they end up resembling each other because they share a way of life and develop a structure inscribed, embodied in their biology. The lifestyle, is a way to do be reflected in the overall structure of the living ; accustomed to refer to this as the way to be people. Third
theoretical principle. way of life and adaptation processes are reflected in the overall structure of living beings. Thus, learning is an embodiment and not an airy abstraction, as is customary to believe. Turning finally to Rocham
Pngieng, says the news that she liked to adorn themselves with flowers and banana leaves, dance and cheer up people of his tribe with their vivacity and good humor. Given that background, (and have been a long time: 8 years) I find it very surprising that it has recognized his parents forgot to smile and speak the lemgua of his tribe.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ikea Bulb Replacement

What do you expect the doctor when the patient enters the consultation? and what do you expect when the patient enters a doctor's office? If doctor and patient share similar expectations of the clinical encounter, it is very likely to be successful. It is important to know that the doctor was in college, some type of training based on science paradigms currently accepted as a valid medical. Take a look at this training.

What medical students learn.
simplify somewhat, say that in the early years of his career students learn (not without suffering) topics such as Anatomy, Histology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and others, through which knowledge is expected to they understand how the human body is made, how it works, as sick and how it interacts with drugs of various kinds. It is curious that despite the vast diversity of human existence, students learn that there are no differences between them. All these subjects are taught as a generalization, it matters little if these beings live closer to the sadness or joy, helplessness or hope. Is mentioned nowhere near Histology (or biochemistry or pathophysiology etc.) Of the sad, or hopeless or happy. For the preclinical level medical knowledge, all agencies are equal. The emotional life leaves no trace in the body. This is learning by default.
In the clinical stage, when students take the last few years, things do not change much. Disease is a matter of interactions between the agency and agents such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, disturbances metabolic mutations, activation of oncogenes, snuff, alcohol, drugs, state of defense systems, type of caloric intake, failure to self-healing mechanisms. Healing on the other hand, is a matter of diagnostics, drugs, surgery, changes in health-related behaviors, regular checks. Again, emotional states, the product of people's lives, not included in the consideration of therapeutic schemes or research protocols. At best administer sedatives, antidepressants.
All this thinking is the product of the paradigms that medical science has on disease and healing that comes from the time of Pasteur.

what we thought.
Based on our clinical experience, the theoretical soundness of our approach, recent scientific publications on intuition of our patients, we think that as gas exchange, cellular metabolism, the potential of oxide Reduction, permeability membranes, the dynamics of receptors and ligands, glomerular filtration and many other biological events, we say that the thrill also an integral part of the biological mechanisms involved in maintaining the balance that enables homesostático health human. Everyday experience confirms that we feel steps behind on a dark street, it changes our biology, by the deadline and not able to keep, change our biology, the view looking out of the love (or loved) changes our biology, the realize that we lost the wallet, change ours biology, to hear a certain song, change our biology. In every interaction there is the thrill that we have a certain type of action. Similarly the background emotions-sadness, frustration, disappointment, hope, optimism, change our biology and literally end up in us incarnate. Our move us towards or away from sick or healing, as this move is.
We need to change the move that leads to illness, is possible to learn. Clearly it is a matter more wisdom than farnacología and we look to put this into action will help improve the clinical outcomes of our professional and certainly can be a powerful tool in preventive medicine.
So the question that inevitably we will make every patient is, "And tell me please how did you spend in life?